How to do a Kegel Exercise Right and Avoid Common Mistakes

Are you doing Kegels correctly? Learn how Elitone can help.

What is Kegel exercise really about?

Kegel exercise is one of the most important things you can do to improve your urinary and reproductive health. Incontinence affects 1 in 3 women, and Kegel exercises for women are the first line of treatment. Similar to how planks tone core muscles, Kegels strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles control bladder contractions and pressure on the urethra. Kegel exercises for women are especially important to support reproductive organs and postpartum health. Strong pelvic floor muscles mean fewer trips to the bathroom, less bladder leakage, improved postpartum recovery, and bonus—more intense orgasms! But many women struggle with how to do a Kegel exercise correctly.

Kegels are easy to get wrong. About 30% of us do Kegels incorrectly because, unlike squats, we can’t use a mirror to check our form. Here’s how to do a Kegel exercise correctly, plus the most common reasons why Kegels don’t work.

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How to do a Kegel exercise and avoid common mistakes

Help! I can’t find my pelvic floor.

Kegel exercises for women are the opposite motion of pushing outwards when delivering a child. A common mistake is bearing down with the same muscles as when you’re pooping. Instead, think about pulling inward, up through your spine toward your head. The simplest way to identify your pelvic floor muscles (i.e., Kegel muscles) is to stop the flow of urine mid-stream. It’s not good for your bladder to do this on a regular basis, but a few times can help identify the muscles used for Kegel exercises. If you have weak muscles, you may not be able to stop urine flow completely. This will improve as you tone your pelvic floor muscles.

Another trick is to imagine placing a weight in your vagina, then squeeze to not let it fall out. You can also put your finger in your vagina and practice squeezing around your finger. For those who need a little extra help, check out these Kegel exercise devices. In addition to vaginal probes and feedback tools, some devices can contract the correct muscles for you. These devices use gentle electrical stimulation to Kegels longer and stronger than you can on your own.

How to do a Kegel exercise?

The correct form for Kegel exercises isolates the pelvic muscles to squeeze and strengthen them. In the beginning, try doing Kegels lying down so you’re not fighting gravity. Place one hand on your belly and breathe out. Keeping your butt, stomach, and thighs relaxed, contract your pelvic floor muscles—visualize pulling inward and toward your head, then hold that squeeze. It may help to have your knees bent, and even lift your butt off the ground. Don’t hold your breath!

  1. Lie down and relax muscles.
  2. Squeeze your pelvic muscles by lifting up and inward.
  3. Hold for 3 seconds to start.

How often should I do Kegels?

If you don’t use it, you lose it. As with any muscle, pelvic floor muscles need to be worked out consistently. Try this Kegel routine:

  1. Hold the Kegel for 3–5 seconds.
  2. Rest for 5–10 seconds.
  3. Repeat 10 times, which equals one set.
  4. Repeat each set 3 times a day. (You can spread sets throughout the day, but don’t forget!)

As your pelvic floor muscles get stronger, you can slowly increase the intensity, duration, and frequency. Mastered this routine? Scroll down for Advanced Kegel Tips. As with any exercise, if you feel pain, you should talk to a medical professional.

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Advanced Kegel Tips

To maximize your Kegel sessions, let’s dive a little deeper into the pelvic floor structure. Pelvic floor muscles consist of many crisscross layers that run in different directions. These muscle layers have holes in them. Yes, holes! The first hole wraps around the urethra (the bladder’s outlet) to allow urine flow. The second hole creates space for the vagina in women, and the third is around the anus. Most exercises just lift these areas. But there are ways to make your exercises more specific to the urethra, helping with bladder leakage.

Exercise various muscle fibers

There are different types of muscle fibers: fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles. Slow-twitch muscles help strengthen the whole pelvic floor, which includes toning the muscles that close your urethra. But when you sneeze, you need a fast reaction time, which is where fast-twitch muscles come in. By improving these fast-twitch muscles, they’ll be ready for sudden contractions, like sneezing or laughing.

To make the most of your Kegel sessions, add quick, short squeezes or pulses around the urethra. Combine these pulses with the longer Kegels by alternating the long and short holds, or add the pulses at the end of your regular Kegel set. Here’s an example of an advanced Kegel routine:

Try different positions

After you get the hang of how to do a Kegel exercise, try to fine-tune your pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor muscles stretch from your pubic bone all the way to your tailbone, so it’s possible to contract one portion more than others. Stand up and lean slightly backward, then do a Kegel contraction. This exercise position focuses more on the muscles surrounding the anus. In contrast, lean forward as far as you can, then do another Kegel. The leaning forward position focuses more on strengthening the area around your urethra, ultimately helping stop bladder leakage.

Focus on your breath

When you exercise, remember to breathe! Holding your breath can impact incontinence. For example, if you hold your breath while doing an abdominal crunch, the motion causes pressure on your bladder. Lifting weights at high speeds, such as with kettlebells or during CrossFit, often does the same thing. (See what physical therapists say about a rise in incontinence in women doing CrossFit.) Before these types of exercises, do a Kegel before each bearing down event so you can offset the pressure. And breathe out!

Another tip is to lean forward slightly when exercising (see Try different positions above). For example, if you go jogging, lean forward (think Lean In!) slightly to naturally contract your pelvic floor around the urethra.

 Tips for consistency

Kegels can be done discreetly anytime and anywhere, but they’re easy to forget! After you learn how to do a Kegel exercise, consistency is key to seeing the best results. Here are some ideas to incorporate Kegels into your daily routine so they become a habit:

  • Mornings. While shampooing your hair; waiting for the coffee to brew; sitting at a red light; on the elevator; when you first sit down at your desk; while reading the news.
  • Midday. While preparing lunch; during your afternoon stroll.
  • Workplace. In meetings; whenever someone says a certain word; every time you fill up your water bottle or coffee cup.
  • Evening. On your commute home every time you stop at a red light; while preparing dinner; brushing your teeth; when you first get into bed.
  • Workout. While stretching; during a plank position; running or walking on the treadmill; between sets of reps; during cool down.
  • Track your progress. Keep track of your pelvic floor exercises by writing them down or using an app. Many period- and reproductive-tracking apps give the option of tracking Kegels, but you can also track them with the rest of your fitness activities. Set goals (e.g., stopping leaks, reducing urgency) and note your progress and success.
Elitone stimulates weakened pelvic floor muscles to reduce bladder leakage.

Struggling with How To Do A Kegel Exercise?

While Kegel exercises are widely recommended for strengthening pelvic floor muscles, they may not be right for everyone or may not give you the results you’re looking for. If you’re struggling with how to do Kegel exercises, there are alternative options to help you target and tone the pelvic floor muscles.

Why Kegel Exercises Might Not Be Working for You

  1. Incorrect Technique: Learning how to do Kegel exercises is challenging for some women.  If they are not performed correctly, they won’t be effective.
  2. Overall Weakness: In some cases, weakness in the surrounding muscles may contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction.  Additionally, some women are also not able to perform Kegels correctly due to nerve damage.
  3. Lack of Consistency: For many busy women, finding the time and remembering to do Kegels regularly is a challenge.  You will not see improvements without consistently doing Kegels several times a day.

Alternative Exercises to Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles

  1. Glute Bridge: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips towards the ceiling, focusing on engagement in your glutes and core muscles.  Hold for a few seconds before lowering back down. This exercise helps strengthen the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles.
  2. Squats: Squats target the muscles of the pelvic floor, thighs, and glutes. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, lower your body as if sitting back into a chair.  Take care to not let your knees track forward over your toes.  Engage your glutes to stand back up.
  3. Core Exercises: Simple core exercises like planks, bird dogs, and marches can help to improve overall core stability and help to strengthen the pelvic floor.

Elitone: An Easy Alternative to Kegel Exercises

Whether you are finding Kegels and other exercises to be ineffective for you, or simply struggling with establishing a consistent routine, you may be interested in alternative treatments.

Elitone offers a convenient and effective alternative to Kegel exercises for targeting the pelvic floor muscles.  Elitone is an external device that uses neuromuscular stimulation to activate and tone the pelvic floor muscles, mimicking the effects of Kegel exercises without the need for manual effort. Elitone makes pelvic floor strengthening easy and accessible for all women.

Need more help with Kegels?

If you’re struggling with how to do a Kegel exercise correctly or finding time for it, consider Elitone. Elitone does the work for you, gently stimulating longer and stronger Kegels than you can do on your own (100 contractions in 20 minutes). Wear Elitone like a maxi pad under your clothes while going about other tasks. The discreet device delivers just the right intensity and duration for maximum results.

I have tried Kegel exercises – when I think about doing them. Unfortunately, I have been very bad at keeping to a regime. Luckily, I have found a solution that “thinks” about strengthening the pelvic floor muscles for me! This unit is very comfortable to wear and I didn’t even notice a difference between this and a pad. In fact, it wasn’t as bulky! — Carol Y.

Read more reviews from real women here.

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