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Favorite Reviews

Customers love Elitone for a variety of reasons. Click below to read reviews that answer your most important questions.

“After using this for 8+ weeks I am happy to say that I no longer leak when I cough or sneeze! Mastering the placement of the gel pads was the trickiest, but after a couple tweaks I’ve had no issues. I’ve found it helpful to apply the pads and wait a few minutes so that they adjust to your body temperature – it seems that it adheres better that way. I would recommend this for anyone that still leaks despite doing all the right things (I’m looking at you, Kegels!).” – Anonymous ★★★★★

“I’ve been using using ELITONE for about 10 months. From the very beginning, my leaks were smaller and less frequent. The first time I was using it, I had to sign for a package at my front door [while wearing the device] – no problem! After a few months, I had almost no leaks. Now I use it only once a week for two cycles in a row and it is keeping me leak free. I can run, laugh, cough and sneeze without any leaks. Jumping rope is also now a possibility when I do circuit training. ELITONE is the BEST!” – Kimberly ★★★★★

“I never felt I was doing Kegel’s correctly and did not have results from them. ELITONE took me from not being able to walk to the bathroom without leaks to being able to cough without leaks in about 5 weeks. I became ill and stoped using ELITONE for about 3 weeks and symptoms returned. After going back to it for another 3 weeks I had same results. Now I maintain with weekly use. It is wonderful. The best thing was Medicare Paid for ELITONE. No reason not to give it a try.” – Jeannine  ★★★★★

“I started 10 weeks ago because I had to quit using my treadmill months before cause I would wet through my pad and all my clothes when I walked. If I sneezed I would leak, and of course if I coughed I would leak I was ready to get something done, got a appointment with a urologist, and while waiting looked online and found ELITONE, ordered it, and started right away. Now I can walk without leaking. I can sneeze. I can treadmill with no leaking… I am so blessed to have found this and so thankful” – Anonymous ★★★★★

“A game changer!!! Love this device. I noticed a difference in just 3 weeks. I am a 20 year nurse with two children. So, I have abused my bladder and pelvic floor with 12 hour standing shifts and no restroom. I can now sneeze, laugh, and cough without having to do the leg cross. Not quiet jumping on trampolines but I was wearing a size 4 pad and changing several times a day. Still using and still having improvements. Down to a size 1 pad and most days dry. Even with 8-10 hrs with no restroom. Thank you ELITONE for giving me my dignity and bladder back. Me and my underclothes thank you.” – Amee ★★★★★

NOTE: Elitone URGE is indicated for OAB.

“I was amazed at the quick results I got from using the ELITONE system. I was on bioidentical hormones for 15 years. When I discontinued to go “natural”, the first thing I experienced with lack of bladder control. (the hormones help keep your vaginal muscles tight). I was mortified, but came across the ELITONE system while watching the View. I ordered and started the treatment immediately. At first, I was doing a session every second day and within a week, I noticed less leaking. Now after a few months, I can honestly say, I am leak free and am control of ‘sudden urges”. I continue to use the system twice a week. It is easy and clean.” – Diana ★★★★★

“I am so happy my life is so much better now” – Cathy

“ELITONE has made a drastic improvement in my health issue. I no longer have to rush to a restroom and constantly worry about restroom locations when planning an outing . My Gynecologist was disappointed to hear I had found a more reasonably priced solution than the $800 a session chair in his office . Sometimes women have to do their own research and find their own way. It is important to do periodic once weekly sessions I find as maintenance if you will after the regular treatment period to continue having great results.” – Anonymous  ★★★★★

“I am absolutely thrilled with the results! I had a long drive and had no issues- no quick stops, no incidents. Then after dinner, we went dancing, which was an issue previously, and am thrilled I did not have to be concerned.” – Melissa

“Very simple, easy to use and effective within a week. I couldn’t believe how much less urgency I had!” – LSW

“I am a mom of 2 and have struggled with urgency, urge incontinence, and stress incontinence since I had children. I used to be a runner before kids and wasn’t even able to continue this after my second child. I started noticing a difference after only after a few weeks of treatment. Last week, I was able to jump on a trampoline with my kids with zero incontinence. I am very happy with my outcome!” – Linda

“Extremely pleased with ELITONE. Had been thinking about purchase for sometime. So happy I did! Had been using vaginal weights for years with some success but ELITONE really helps strengthen the urethral opening. Has much improved my leakage problem.” – Elayne ★★★★★

“Awesome device! It took some adjustment and a bit of a learning curve to get used to but my husband mentioned that he most definitely noticed a difference. I felt the tightening as well and after two kids, one vaginal one C-section at my current age of 37 this was nice to have!” – Anonymous ★★★★★

“I love this device! I feel that it has really helped strengthen my pelvic floor and muscles. It has helped me to identify the correct muscles for Kegels.” – Jan ★★★★★

“As someone with stage 2 bladder prolapse, I am really motivated. I have tried the internal e-stim devices and I have found ELITONE less messy to use, definitely easier to walk around with, and able to give me stronger contractions compared to the internal devices.” – Allison ★★★★★

“I have been using the ELITONE device for about 2 months and do feel a strengthening of my pelvic floor muscles. One thing that I can say for sure is that it has helped me to isolate what the pelvic floor is so that I can then do Kegels on my own!” – Faviola ★★★★

“I am 54 years old and prior to doing ELITONE, I had moderate to severe leaking. I am very physically active and even with just at a fast walk down the block I will leak unless I really have a completely empty bladder. Before ELITONE, I used an #3 bladder pad and changed it about 4 times a day. I also did my Kegels and my doc rated it at a strength of 6 out of 10. After doing ELITONE, I noticed much stronger, deeper pelvic floor muscles in a way that I can’t achieve with normal Kegel exercises. It took the full 12 weeks. Overall, the ELITONE has helped me, especially in reducing the amount I leak when I walk” – Jennifer ★★★★

“Exceptional from start to finish! This little unit has done miracles for me and the customer service is superb!” – Debora ★★★★★

“Customer service is AMAZING! They are genuinely happy to help out and actively resolve any problems quickly. I recommend this to all the ladies I know.” – Dawn ★★★★★

“Everyone I deal with at ELITONE has been a knowledgeable problem solver. Had a problem with charging cable and was sent another one promptly. Recently the clip on the battery unit snapped. Another was quickly dispatched. I love the freedom of movement and the convenience of this life-changing product. Tried another pelvic floor electronic product before this one but was not a fan. Cumbersome to use and dispassionate about time involved in receiving item replacements. ELITONE is a winner!” – Phyllis ★★★★★

“I recently lost my cord between the unit and the GelPad. I reached out to customer service and they sent me one free and it arrived very quickly. Thank you for excellent customer service!!” – Jennifer ★★★★★

“Long time user. Had a problem with the connecting wire company immediately sent new one. Best customer service.” – Rosalind ★★★★★

“I am so grateful for this company and this product! Thank you for creating something so easy to use, so discreet and so effective!” – Rita ★★★★★

“So easy to use and very effective. I am now able to go out for hours, and do vigorous exercises (tap dancing and aerobics) with just a liner (mainly for reassurance) and would not have done that before. Don’t have to sit still whilst using ELITONE! I would and have recommended to others. Thank you.” – Tina ★★★★★

“The pads are easy to apply and remove and are very comfortable.” – Terri ★★★★★

“Very efficient and easy to use. Takes much less time than other devices and you can move around while using it.” – Sandra ★★★★★

“I definitely noticed improvement after using ELITONE for 4 weeks. It is easy to use and non-invasive.” – Sarah ★★★★★

“Great item Easy to use. Comfortable too!” – Janet ★★★★★

“ELITONE is a brilliant product for today’s busiest woman! Easy to use, discreet, and very effective. If you’re tired of trying and even if you’re ready to give up, don’t! Try ELITONE! It’s wonderful to dry! Thank you, ELITONE!” – Vicki ★★★★★

“I suffered from constant leaking. I started using ELITONE [2 months ago]. I can’t say that it has stopped completely but it is much, much lighter. I am very pleased!! I’m 71 years old. I had 10 children. I didn’t think anything would help!” – Marty ★★★★★

“I experienced stress incontinence for over 15 years. During this time, I tried pelvic floor therapy 2x, two prescription hormone therapy creams (Estradiol and Premarin), and a Kegel app. I replaced pads 2-3 times a day and was embarrassed and worried all the time. I was never far from a bathroom, feeling that the only way I could control leakage was the keep my bladder empty. Then I saw ELITONE. It was immediately effective. I use twice in the morning catching up on the news as I relax in a recliner, concentrating on the unit “waking up” my pelvic floor. It works. I can feel those muscles. Long story short, I am down to one pad a day. No longer do I leak walking through the grocery store. Thank you ELITONE!” – Leilani ★★★★★

“This device saved me from surgery and/or meds that are damaging.” – Anonymous ★★★★★

“Definitely worth the price. I was very skeptical at first, but it really works! I felt a difference pretty quickly, and now I just do a couple times a month for maintenance. It’s just such a nice feeling not to pee when I cough, sneeze, laugh, whatever!! So very happy with this purchase.” – Amy ★★★★★

“At first, I was skeptical and after using it for a month, I wasn’t seeing any improvement. I called for advice and now after using ELITONE for 2 months, I am seeing a big improvement. Can’t wait to see if I can finally be rid of pads. Thank you ELITONE.” – Louise ★★★★★

“This works very well and I’ve tried a couple other products. I went to a doctor’s office and paid 2,000USD for something that did nearly the same thing. The visit I paid 2,000 for was great but it only lasted a couple months and then I was told I needed “touch ups”. So I am very happy I found something comparable that doesn’t cost nearly as much.” – Sara ★★★★★

“ELITONE has changed my life! I am 43 and couldn’t walk the dog without wearing a pad. It was gross and embarrassing. I have been using ELITONE since the end of August and I would say I am about 85% leak free! Best money I could have spent on myself!” – Anonymous ★★★★★

“This device seemed a bit pricey but after looking at other alternatives on-line I made the the investment. I’m very glad I did. I have notice much better bladder control since starting ELITONE.” – Kim ★★★★

“Leakage is real and embarrassing! I’m 37 and had no children so I didn’t know why I was having this issue. Found out my muscles were not strong enough. I tried those vaginal weights but failed miserably! The Elitone was an unexpected wonderful surprise! I don’t leak anymore!!! Totally worth the money hands down! (I did reuse the gel pads more than it’s recommended and it still fixed my situation)” – Anonymous ★★★★★

“I am 65 and I use this device every other day. I started about 2 mos. ago. I have noticed a considerable improvement and I have recommended this to my friends, and to whoever is reading this!! I believe soon I will be into maintenance mode. I was skeptical at first, but I have been made a believer !!” – Vanessa ★★★★★

“I love this product. I have had 3 friends buy it based off of my high recommendation . If you are diligent with following through on instructions this product WORKS & I love that. So worth the money. Thank you for creating this amazing little device.” – Joy ★★★★★

“If you considering ELITONE, but weren’t sure like I was; don’t delay! They have a money back guarantee and you won’t need it! It is a miracle! To whoever invented this… thank you, thank you, thank you! You have given me my life back! exercise, sex, jogging… no problem!” – Anonymous ★★★★★

“As a 50 year old Mom of 3 and a lifelong runner, my bladder was just not what it used to be. I am also a physical therapist and have been doing Kegels for years. I knew I needed electric stim or surgery to control my incontinence. ELITONE worked and has improved my pelvic floor strength, beyond what I was capable of doing with exercise. I highly recommended it.” – Anonymous ★★★★★

“This has been a Godsend to me!” – Joanne ★★★★★

“Wish I would’ve found this earlier! Life changed! ” – Suzanne ★★★★★

“Thank you ELITONE creators for giving me my life back. At only 42 I felt so defeated, alone, & embarrassed for having this problem. I literally could feel my bladder lifting with this treatment. I’m back to running again because of you. Forever grateful for this device. Absolutely recommend it for all women!!” – Mariel ★★★★★

“My sexual health and confidence have grown so much. Best investment E V E R !” – Ashley ★★★★★

“I can run again!!!” – Kaylyn ★★★★★

“I used this for the recommended time on the upper mid range [intensity setting] and I have to say I am delighted with the outcome. I have worn no pads for the last two weeks with no mishaps I feel like a new woman and that ain’t bad for 71 years of age.” – Luane ★★★★★

“[ELITONE had] been a game changer for me. Since the birth of my son 24 years ago I have struggled with incontinence. ELITONE has been the only thing that has truly worked! Thank you.” – Colleen ★★★★★

Most Recent Reviews

We share 3rd party verified reviews so you have access to the most current customer feedback.

MaryAnne Arditous
Verified ownerVerified owner

after 6 weeks of use, I am days where I can actually go to a Zumba class and be semi-dry afterwards. I used to wear a tampax and a heavy pad. I am delighted and encouraged so buy it and hang in there!!

4 days ago
Susan Barnesus
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Thought it was beginning to work, then my car chewed on the charging cable and stopped all forward progress. Since I purchased the "bundle," I'm too far in debt to purchase a new set up. Is there any chance of buying a new charging cable by itself?
Thank You, S. Barnes 469 626-3507

4 days ago
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Initially seemed to make a big difference to the point that I stopped needing a pad daily for those surprise leaks with no other changes in my diet or caffeine intake. In the past 10 weeks I have used intermittently but usually at least 5 days consecutively and recently feel like my incontinence has relapsed a bit mostly with urgency. I will be trying to use more consistently with the hope that my urge incontinence improves again.

5 days ago
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This product works. The only downside is that it’s not a permanent fix (only surgery will fix that) so maintenance sessions are needed.

6 days ago
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The lat4est pack I received does not adhere to the protective backing used between uses. Other than that, the connector piece between the two tails is nice and sturdy and doesn't fall apart as easily as in past packs, so thanks for improving that!

6 days ago
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I think it is helping. Still have issues but have noticed an improvement.

6 days ago
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These gelpad packs work well and hold up well.

1 week ago
Carolyn W.
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I am sorry to say that I have discontinued use of the product. I used it faithfully for a couple months. It seemed to improve my symptoms for a while, then the symptoms came back and I got discouraged. There are really no instructions on how to use the product on a long term basis. I do not want to use it for the rest of my life.

1 week ago
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Life changer. I all of a sudden developed small leaks. Omg how embarrassing!! This has been a game changer and I feel more confident going out. It’s definitely improved my pelvic floor muscles and I will continue to use it and I tell EVERYONE about it.

1 week ago
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I am happy I took a chance- my leakage is much improved and I haven’t been using elitone for that long. Going to keep it up!

1 week ago
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This is helping! What a joy to be dry.

2 weeks ago
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Impressive Results!

2 weeks ago
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Order was filled, shipped and received promptly. I am continuing to see progress in my bladder muscles strength. Thank you.

2 weeks ago
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Last for numerous applications

3 weeks ago
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Was skeptical but have seen drastic improvement. Definitely worth the cost. It's invaluable to gain confidence and control again.

3 weeks ago
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So far so good! Haven’t finished a full 12 weeks but I have seen some improvement so far and it’s easy to multitask while completing the treatment.

3 weeks ago
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Big improvement but not perfect yet

3 weeks ago
Judy Sivigliaus
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I am mildly better. I have been faithful with the treatments; everyother day at about 25. I still have leakage at different times even though I'm careful to go more often.

3 weeks ago
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Very difficult to place properly. Edges flop around and stick to itself, then to your fingers when you try to straighten it out

3 weeks ago
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I am happy with the result of using Elitone. I was using the Emsella chair for about a year before I started with Elitone. I have found that I had some improvement with Emsella but definitely more improvement with Elitone. I like the at home component to Elitone and my leaking is now very minor (after 6 weeks), but I have to say that if you could develop a pad that was not quite so sticky that would improve your product.

1 month ago
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1 month ago
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I can definitely see a difference in urges since I started using elitone
I will continue using it and hope to see more improvement

1 month ago
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This is a game changer! Easy to use, comfortable and it works! After only a few weeks of regular use, I'm down to wearing only a pantiliner daily and no leaks. Highly recommend!!

2 months ago
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I have had stress incontinence for the past 25 years. Had surgery to correct it about 15 years ago which helped for a short time but then the problem returned. I have used the Elitone device since March 2024 and I can honestly say that my incontinence has improved markedly! I never imagined that at this point my problem could be helped, but it has and I am thrilled about it. I have gone from wearing 5-6 pads a day to 1 or 2! It has truly been a blessing! I will continue to use the device for maintenance as needed. Thank you Elitone!

2 months ago
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Elitone does strengthen plevic floor, after 6 weeks I have a significant change I urinary incontinentence

3 months ago
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Hurray! I'm finishing my 6th week of treatment. Everything has been working great with amazing results. I'm really pleased with Elitone and the difference it's making in my life. Day by day the leaks have been getting less and less, and I now use only 1 thin panty liner per day (backup "insurance" I guess). No thick pads necessary - and I had been going through three or four #4 pads in a day. It was terrible!!! It was such an ongoing nightmare that had very gradually gotten worse and worse over about 12 years after menopause with no end in sight. I felt so humiliated and thought I was on the road to wearing a diaper the rest of my life and doing the mandatory "public restroom tour" everywhere I went. Horrid!!! Elitone has definitely given me a new freedom. I'm looking forward to long walks and hiking again without the stressful worries of possible "debilitating accidents" from sudden leaks and wondering how I'm going to get myself home unseen.

A friend of mine had bladder surgery (sling placement) a few years ago. At that time she had given me the name of her reputable surgeon, but I just couldn't bring myself to make an appointment and follow through with the surgical procedure because in my work doing medical transcription I had typed several bladder surgeries, several of them being repeat procedures because the first ones actually failed. Pads, as loathsome as they are, seemed like a much better alternative than invasive surgery that commonly fails. Well, I was so happy with my results from using Elitone that I decided to reach out to my friend the other day and share my experience just in case she was still having bladder issues. She wrote back to say that her sling surgery worked for a while, but now she's back to suffering from incontinence again! Of course, I strongly encouraged her to get Elitone and I certainly hope she does.

A few tips for anyone just getting started: I did some reading on the Elitone website and realized that the best thing would be to start with the strongest treatment level I could tolerate, so I've been doing 35 (max) intensity 5 days in a row, then 2 days off each week. It's so easy. Feels kind of strange at first, not painful, and one gets used to it rather quickly. I always wear Elitone in a sitting position at my desk (better connectivity when sitting) and it gives me a chance to catch up on computer work. The 20 minutes go by quickly and then I'm out the door. Customer support has been excellent. Questions I've submitted have all been answered within 5 minutes. So grateful for the people at Elitone!!! Wishing you every blessing!!!

3 months ago
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Since the birth of my second child 14 years ago, I had been having stress incontinence with coughing, laughing, sneezing, slipping on ice during the winter… you get the idea. It had gotten progressively worse, and I was to the point where I was considering a pessary or sling. Neither of those options address the root of the problem, so I decided to try Elitone after seeing an ad online.

This is week five of using Elitone about four times per week, and I notice an improvement. Fewer leaks with way less volume when I do leak. Additionally, I can tell that my pelvic floor muscles are no longer in a state of constant contraction, which was something I had worked with a physical therapist to address. Overall, pelvic floor therapy helped me become in tune with those muscles, and Elitone is helping me strenghten them. I am positive I will continue to see improvement, and highly recommend the product.

3 months ago
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Gel pads are high quality, user friendly and work well.

5 months ago
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I find this device to be very helpful. I now cough or sneeze with no leaking. Love it

5 months ago
Debbie T.
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My device is not charging properly and the battery will not hold the charge so when I get ready to use it I have to charge it again even though I fully charge it before I put it away until I use it again. Very frustrating for the amount of money I spent. Please help!

5 months ago
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Works really well. One pad lasts me almost a whole week. I will be buying more when i run out. This product has definitely been helping me.

5 months ago
Steffie Wilsonus
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I am still waiting for some positive results, after using Elitone for ca. six weeks religiously. Will continue and hope something good will come of it.

5 months ago