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What type of incontinence do you have?
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Stress Incontinence
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Urge Incontinence
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Mixed Incontinence
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I'm Not Sure
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Do you leak when you laugh, cough, sneeze, or exercise?
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Do you leak after feeling a sudden, uncontrollable urge to urinate?
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Which other treatments have you tried?
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Kegel Exercises
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsPelvic Floor Physical Therapy
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsBladder/Sling Surgery
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsImplanted Sacral Nerve Stimulator
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsPercutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation
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How many pads/liners do you use a day?
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How many years have you suffered with incontinence?
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Let's make sure you're eligible for treatment
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I'm pregnant or attempting to get pregnant
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsI've had pelvic floor surgery within the last 6 weeks
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsI have complete denervation of my pelvic floor (i.e., no sensation)
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Heart problems
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsCognitive dysfunction
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsView All Assigned TagsUrinary retention / overflow
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Implanted electronic device (e.g., cardiac pacemaker, defibrillator)
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Elitone is Right for You
Congratulations! You're eligible to treat with Elitone. Elitone is FDA-cleared to treat stress urinary incontinence. Women like you have shown great success in as few as 6 weeks. Use code 25FitFloor at checkout for $25 off Elitone.
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Elitone URGE is Right for You
Congratulations! You're eligible to treat with Elitone URGE. Elitone URGE is FDA-cleared to treat urge urinary incontinence (i.e., Overactive Bladder leaks). Women like you have shown great success in as few as 6 weeks. Use code 25FitFloor at checkout for $25 off Elitone URGE.
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Elitone is Right for You
Women with Mixed Incontinence often benefit from toning their pelvic floor muscles, so we recomend treating with the original Elitone. It additon to contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, the device also outputs a calming signal known to treat the symptoms of urge incontinence. Use code 25FitFloor at checkout for $25 off Elitone.
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Oh No!
Unfortunately, you have a contraindication for treating with a pelvic floor muscles stimulator, so we can't recommend a product for you. We encourage you to seek treatment advice from your healthcare provider.
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Full list of Contraindications
We recommend that you speak with your doctor
Elitone and Elitone URGE are FDA cleared to treat stress and urge urinary incontinence respectively. If you have another type of incontinence you should speak with your clinician about your best treatment options.
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