Internal vs. External Pelvic Floor Trainer

What’s the Best Choice for You?

external pelvic floor trainer

When it comes to pelvic floor training, you have a lot of options.  You could try simply doing Kegel’s on your own.  You could see a pelvic floor therapist.  Or you could use an internal or external pelvic floor trainer in the comfort of your own home.

Are Pelvic Floor Trainers Necessary?

If you are experience leaking or incontinence or simply want to tone your pelvic floor for overall bladder health, doing Kegel’s may seem like the simplest solution.  They require no equipment (although adding weights is an option), you can do them discreetly anytime, anywhere, and it’s free!  However, doing Kegel’s correctly is more difficult than it sounds.  Many women have difficulty activating these muscles on their own and may even been contracting the wrong muscles, causing more harm than good.

Internal vs. External Pelvic Floor Trainer

There are a variety of devices on the market to help train your pelvic floor.  Some provide stimulation internally, while others are able to target your pelvic floor muscles using external activation.  There are also products available that require to you to do the work while they simply monitor your progress.  They are all typically painless and regular use can help to lessen the symptoms of incontinence caused by a weak pelvic floor.  However, some are more effective at providing effective pelvic floor training than others.

While internal trainers and biofeedback devices can help with incontinence, many women find they prefer to use an external pelvic floor trainer like Elitone.  Not only is Elitone non-invasive, but it is also simple to integrate into your daily life.  Unlike internal trainers or biofeedback devices, external devices are wearable while you complete other household tasks, work, or spend time with your kids.  They can be used discreetly and don’t require you to be sedentary or isolated during your treatment.  An external pelvic floor trainer that provides neuromuscular stimulation takes the guesswork out of stimulating your pelvic floor by causing an automatic contraction.  When a pelvic floor trainer is easy to use, you are more likely to use it consistently and get fast, effective results.

Elitone can help reduce those bladder leaks in just a few weeks!

Elitone: External Pelvic Floor Trainer

Say goodbye to embarrassing leaks and start living your life more confidently with Elitone.  Discreet, easy to use, and effective, Elitone is an external pelvic floor trainer that uses neuromuscular stimulation to tone your pelvic floor and improve bladder control.

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