Constipation and Incontinence

Are They Related?

Learn more about how constipation can effect incontinence and how Elitone can help.

Do you find yourself limiting the amount of liquids you’re drinking to reduce bladder leaks?
While this can help with leaks it can lead to a whole new set of problems. Constipation is a factor
that is often underestimated in its impact on incontinence.  Let’s learn more about how constipation and incontinence can be related.

What is Constipation?

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), anything less than three bowel movements a
week is considered constipation. But we know that as soon as those stools start feeling hard and
lumpy like rocks, you need to take action.

How Are Constipation and Incontinence Related?

  • Rectal Impact: When stool lingers in the rectum, it becomes larger and harder to expel. This
    prolonged stretching weakens the rectal muscles, potentially leading to fecal incontinence.
  • Pelvic Pressure: Enlargement of the rectum exerts physical pressure on adjacent pelvic organs
    like the bladder, exacerbating incontinence and urgency issues.
  • Straining Effects: Forceful pushing during bowel movements, necessary to pass large stools,
    stretches the sphincter, and may cause discomfort. (This is the reverse Kegel – the opposite of
    what should be exercised!)

What Can You Do to Limit Constipation?

  1. Hydrate smart: Drink more water and reduce the number of diuretics you have, like
  2. Get moving: Exercise aids in softening those stools and promoting more frequent bowel
  3. Fiber: Incorporate more fiber-rich foods into your diet, like oatmeal and broccoli.
  4. Medication Review: If possible, consult your healthcare provider to assess and adjust
    medications that could be contributing to constipation.
  5. Squat Method: Consider the benefits of the squatting position during bowel movements.
    You can use a prop like the Squatty Potty that helps to bring your legs up, or you can
    simply lean forward for better alignment.
  6. Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening these muscles can contribute to better bowel
    control. This can be done while doing some Kegel exercises!

We hope these insights and recommendations empower you to take proactive steps toward
improving your well-being.  When you understand how constipation and incontinence are related, you can take steps to improve your symptoms. We can’t be your bathroom buddy, but you know we can help you
with those Pelvic floor exercises. Stop the constipation-incontinence cycle!

Elitone can help reduce those bladder leaks in just a few weeks!

How Can Elitone Help?

Elitone is an FDA-cleared treatment that performs Kegel exercises for you effortlessly, anytime,
and anywhere! This solution is external and only takes you 20 minutes to complete and has an
effective rate of 95%!

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