Urinary Catheters for Females?
More than 33 million women across the nation suffer from urinary incontinence. Incontinence can come in many forms, from those “accidental” leaks when coughing or sneezing, known as stress incontinence, to that uncontrollable need to urinate, called urge incontinence. Despite these different variations, the bottom line is that bladder leaks will almost always worsen with time. If you are struggling with this, you might be looking for a quick fix for these symptoms. However, in the long run, there are a few reasons why treatment is more beneficial than just the management of incontinence symptoms.
Treatment of Symptoms
Urinary incontinence is when bladder control is lost, which can cause embarrassing urine leakage to occur. The key solution to this issue is to strengthen the weak pelvic floor muscles to build a better support system for the bladder. Kegel exercises are pelvic floor exercises that are typically the first line of home health treatments recommended by physicians. With 30% of women doing Kegels incorrectly, that’s where ELITONE comes in.
Elitone is an external and non-intrusive device that does your Kegels for you. It delivers therapeutic stimulation that gently contracts your pelvic floor muscles so that you can have control over urine flow. The thin and discreet gel pad gives you the freedom to move during the short 20-minute treatment. This quick and convenient home health treatment is a game-changer for women who are fed up with only treating their symptoms and not the actual issue. The best part is that no doctor appointments or physical therapy visits are needed. Unlike other feedback trainers, Elitone is FDA-cleared for incontinence.
While we believe that Elitone is the most effective long-term treatment for urinary incontinence, we understand that it may take some time to get diagnosed and figure out what works best for you. See a comparison of all Kegel exercise devices and even other non-surgical options.
Ready to begin your path to leak-free living?
We understand. Those urinary leaks are not just annoying “accidents.” They might be the reason you’re waking up to wet sheets or not getting a full night of sleep. Restless nights mean groggy unhappy days, and life will suddenly become drastically less carefree than it was in the past. External catheters for females, disposable pads, and protective underwear are only temporary solutions for the management of incontinence. Don’t wait to address your incontinence, because the earlier treatment begins, the easier incontinence is to treat. It’s up to you to make your health a priority because incontinence will not get better by itself.
“Before ELITONE, the middle of the night trip to the bathroom was becoming scary because of leaking. I’ve got that under control now. Easy to fit in my routine. Much more effective than my attempts with Kegels. Well worth the money.” – Susan